by admin | 21 Dec, 2023 | Uncategorized
All About Conveyancing are Moving. Formerly of Upstairs in Victoria Street, or newly fitted out ground level office will be functional from early January 2024. Come in and say Hi, you will now find us at:- 45 Manning Street Taree, NSW 2430
by admin | 29 Sep, 2023 | Conveyancing, Uncategorized
We welcome all those enjoying a Holiday! If you’re visiting our wonderful area and have decided to make it your home, talk to us.We’re local and have extensive knowledge of this area, giving you the insight only a local can. We make sure your property...
by admin | 30 Aug, 2023 | Uncategorized
You are entitled to a final inspection of the property you are buying before you take possession of it. By this we mean that the Vendor cannot refuse you a final inspection within the last three days prior to settlement of your contract. The Importance of that Final...
by admin | 30 Aug, 2023 | Uncategorized
Starting 15 August 2016, Real Estate Agents have disclosure requirements related to pre-purchase property inspection reports. The concept is for these requirements to make it easier, and potentially cheaper, for a prospective home buyer to obtain pre-purchase building...
by admin | 30 Aug, 2023 | Uncategorized
A prudent conveyancer would have always taken reasonable steps to verify the identity of the client and the client’s authority to deal in a transaction. New Conveyancing Rules have now been introduced by the NSW Government’s Land and Property Information (LPI) to...